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A, AN, OR THE? (3)

18 / 03 / 2020

A, AN, OR THE? (3): meaning and examples

Hello and happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you're enjoying this week and this week's Daily Vitamin challenge about articles.

Remember, this week we are asking you to decide if the missing word in a sentence is the article A, AN, or THE

Today we are giving you two sentences. Here they are:

Sentence 1: Don't forget to bring _____ umbrella with you. It might rain. 

Sentence 2: Are you going to bring _____ big yellow umbrella?

Which articles make these sentences correct? There is more than one option for both sentences. See if you can explain your choices, and how they affect the meaning of the sentence.

Give us your answers on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter) and we'll post the correct answers later. We will also include the answers in tomorrow's Daily Vitamin email. 

Good luck to you!