ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS: HORSE: meaning and examples
Good morning.
Today we will look at some more animal expressions, this time with horse.
Today's 1st expression is: to flog a dead horse
It means: to waste time on something that is no longer possible or that you know isn't going to happen.
Example 1:
You're flogging a dead horse trying to persuade Chris to come dancing with us - he hates dancing.
Today's 2nd expression is: I could eat a horse
It is used: to say that you are very hungry.
Example 2:
Paula: Are you hungry, honey?
George: Yes, darling. I only had a small sandwich for lunch; I could eat a horse.
On Monday we saw the expression to make a pig of yourself. We can also eat like a pig or eat like a horse.
Today's 3rd expression is: to eat like a horse
It's means: to eat a lot.
Example 3:
Olga is very thin, but eats like a horse.
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Have a good day.