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10 / 11 / 2008

ARISE-RISE-RAISE: meaning and examples

Good morning. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Over the next few days we are going to answer a question that we received from two Ziggurat students who are currently living and working abroad in an English-speaking country. Here is the question from Belén and Christian.

Nos gustaría haceros una pregunta sobre un tema un poco confuso, y así de paso si queréis podéis hacer una vitamina: ¿cuál es la auténtica diferencia entre RISE/ARISE/RAISE? Hablando a lo mejor se puede usar todo, pero a la hora de escribir no sabemos qué es más correcto.
Belén y Christian.

First, let's look at the basic meaning of these words as verbs.

The meaning of arise: to happen; to start to exist.

The meaning of rise: to come or go upwards; to reach a higher level or position.

The meaning of raise: to lift or move SOMETHING to a higher level.

Example 1 (arise):
A new economic crisis has arisen.

Example 2 (rise):
The smoke is rising from the chimney.

Example 3 (raise):
If you know the answer in class, please raise your hand.

Rise (subir) and raise (levantar) are synonyms, while arise (surgir) has a different (but related) meaning. 

The verb rise DOES NOT include a verb object while raise does. We always raise something, whereas something always rises. In example 3 there is a verb object (your hand); in example 2, no.

Rise can be both a verb and a noun, but raise is generally ONLY used as a verb (although there are some examples of raise used as a noun).

Arise is always a verb.

Arise is generally considered more formal and literary.

These are the main differences between these words; we will dedicate a lesson to each of these verbs over the next three days. 

If you have any questions about the content of today's Daily Vitamin, please post them in the Daily Vitamin Plus! forum section on our website (

Have a great day!

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