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04 / 05 / 2022

ART IDIOMS (ART FOR ART'S SAKE): meaning and examples

Hello again, everyone. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin. I hope you are having a good day.

Today we continue our look at expressions with the word ART in them.

Today's expression is: Art for art's sake

Definition: A slogan translated from the French l’art pour l’art. It means that art needs no justification... that it doesn't need to serve any political, didactic, or other objective. Art is created for the sole purpose of being an artistic expression.

Example 1: Don't interpret this piece of art as some sort of political statement—it's just art for art's sake.

Example 2: Edgar Allan Poe and Oscar Wilde argued for the doctrine of art for art's sake. A slogan meaning that the beauty of the fine arts is reason enough for pursuing them.  

Do you think art should be taught in primary school or should it be eliminated to give time to "more important" subjects such as science and history? Tell us your opinion on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter), and we will give you feedback about your answer as soon as possible.  

Tomorrow we'll be back with another art expression. Until then, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

All the best!