10 / 03 / 2011

CASE-4: meaning and examples

Hello again,

Today we finish our short series of Daily Vitamins about English expressions with the word CASE.

Today's expression is: in that case

Meaning: if that happens or has happened; if that is the situation.

Example 1:
Rachel: She is very ill and has a high fever.
Norman: In that case, let's just cancel the meeting. There's no point holding it without her.

Example 2:
Lisa: I've made up my mind and that's final!
Michael: In that case, it doesn't make any sense to continue this argument.

If you have any questions about today's Daily Vitamin, please post your comments by clicking on the "Add a Comment" button in the Daily Vitamin section on our website.

Also remember that tomorrow we will send the Essential Weekly Vitamin for Spanish-speaking students of English.

I hope you have a nice day!

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