Inicio > Recursos Inglés > DEPLOYMENT


05 / 04 / 2024

DEPLOYMENT: meaning and examples

Hello again everyone; I hope you are doing well. Happy Friday! Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin

On Tuesday we looked at the adjective DEPLOYABLE and today we look at the noun version of that word. 

Today's word is: DEPLOYMENT (noun)

Meaning 1: the movement of troops or equipment to a place or position for military action. 

Example 1: Due to the riot in the centre of the city, the authorities announced the deployment of extra security forces in and around the city centre to prevent more violence.

Meaning 2: the act of bringing resources into effective action.

Example 2: Beginning around 2010 there was a rapid deployment of high-speed cable internet services in Spain.

Now it's time for you to practice. Can you come up with your own original sentence using the noun DEPLOYMENT? You can post your sentence on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter/X) and we will give you feedback about it ASAP.

Enjoy the rest of your day and have an excellent weekend. We'll be back on Monday with another lesson. 

All the best!

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