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27 / 05 / 2013

EXPRESSIONS WITH MIDDLE (1): meaning and examples

Good morning!

Last week our Daily Vitamins were dedicated to the word START and we explained several expressions with this word. This week we are going to look at some expressions with the word MIDDLE

Today's expression is: MIDDLE-AGED (adjective)

It means: the age range after becoming a young adult but before you enter old age, so approximately between 40 and 60 years of age. MIDDLE AGE is the noun form, and it refers to these years.

Example 1:
Harry has decided to have a big party for his 40th birthday. He is calling it the "Welcome-To-My-Middle-Age Party". 

Example 2:
Many adults begin new projects when they are middle-aged, after their children have left home. However, some people have a mid-life crisis
* because they do not want to leave their youth and don't accept becoming middle-aged.

*mid-life crisis means a period of existential anxiety, usually in your 40s, due to becoming older.

Tomorrow we will look at another expression with the word MIDDLE.

Have a wonderful day!