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13 / 02 / 2012

EYE-OPENING: meaning and examples

Good morning. I hope you had a great weekend.

Today we're going to explain the compound word 'eye-opening'. In past Daily Vitamins we explained some other expressions with the word 'eye'. (See the Daily Vitamins from 04/10/2010 through 14/10/2010. You may want to review those expressions, too.)

Today's word is
: eye-opening

Meaning: You use this adjective to refer to something that is unexpected, surprising or shocking. Imagine your eyes actually opening wider in response to some surprising news. You can also use the noun 'eye-opener' to refer to the thing or action.

Example 1:
Politicians spent an eye-opening fifty billion dollars last year on unnecessary infrastructures.

Example 2:
She wore an eye-opening dress made of meat to the awards ceremony. Nobody had ever seen anything like it!

Example 3 (noun):
That documentary on invasive species was a real eye-opener. I never realised that so many species, native to our local rivers, have become extinct due to this problem.

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I hope you have a great day!