FALSE FRIEND: SENSITIVE: meaning and examples
Good morning.
En la Essential Weekly Vitamin de hoy, hablaremos de otro false friend.
Today's word is: sensitive
(La palabra de hoy es: sensible)
Meaning 1: reacting quickly or strongly to something.
(Significado 1: reaccionar rápidamente o fuertemente a algo.)
Example 1:
Since Snowflake was an albino gorilla, he was very sensitive to the sun, which is probably why he died of skin cancer.
(Como Copito de Nieve era una gorila albino, era muy sensible al sol, lo que explica probablemente porque se murió de cáncer de piel.)
Meaning 2: Emotional or likely to become angry or disappointed very easily.
(Significado 2: Emocional o con tendencia a enfadarse o disgustarse fácilmente.)
Example 2:
Since the divorce, she is very sensitive; I have seen her cry twice this morning.
(Desde el divorcio, está muy sensible; le he visto llorar dos veces esta mañana.)
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I hope you have a great day and a relaxing weekend.