Inicio > Recursos Inglés > GERUNDS vs. INFINITIVES


22 / 02 / 2024
Gerund vs. Infinitive

GERUNDS vs. INFINITIVES: meaning and examples

Good morning. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin. I hope your day is going well so far. 

Today I want to talk about when we use the infinitive of a verb in English (for example, TO EAT) and when we use the gerund (EATING). There are some general rules, or tendencies, but it also requires lots of repetition to remember the different cases.

⇒ Prepositions are generally followed by the gerund form of the verb.
Example 1: He is good at playing the clarinet.

⇒ Certain verbs like ENJOY, AVOID, DISLIKE, FINISH and CONSIDER are typically followed by the gerund.
Example 2: Would you consider singing in our band?

⇒ When a verb is the subject or the object of a sentence, it is usually in the gerund form.
Example 3 (subject): Taking care of you is one of my favourite things to do in life. 
Example 4 (object): He put swimming on his list of things to do today. 

⇒ Some verbs are typically followed by the infinitive. Examples include WANT, DECIDE, NEED, PLAN, HOPE, etc.
Example 5: I want to learn French. 

And some verbs can be followed by both the infinitive and the gerund, and it can cause a change in meaning of the sentence.

⇒ Certain adjectives are followed by the infinitive.
Example 6: He was glad to have the opportunity.

Following I include links to Daily Vitamins that we created in 2019 with some practice with gerunds and infinitives. I have included the answers to the sentences from those Daily Vitamins next to each link below.

14/01/2019 (to dance)
15/01/2019 (writing)
16/01/2019 (listening)
17/01/2019 (smoking)
18/01/2019 (to buy / buying)

And here is a series of Daily Vitamins that we created in 2020 about verbs that can be followed by gerunds or infinitives. Once again, I have included the answers to the activities in parenthesis after each link. 
20/01/2020: (sentence 1)
21/01/2020: (sentence 1)
22/01/2020: (sentence 1)
23/01/2020: (sentence 1)
24/01/2020: (sentence 2)

If you have any questions or comments about gerunds and infinitives, please post them on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter/X) and we will answer you as soon as possible.

All the best! 

¿PUEDES AYUDARNOS? Nos sentimos orgullos de anunciar que ya formamos parte de la 11ª edición de la Magic Line SJD en Barcelona. Nuestro reto solidario es de un mínimo 1.000€. ¿Nos ayudas a conseguirlo? Cualquier aportación es válida: desde 1,00€ o 50,00€ hasta la cantidad que tu elijas. Todos los fondos recaudados se destinan íntegramente a los proyectos de la Magic Line del Hospital San Juan de Dios. Puedes realizar tu aportación en el enlace de nuestro equipo: Las donaciones desgravan en la declaración de la renta. Puedes desgravar un 80% de tu donación. Los proyectos sociales de San Juan de Dios van destinados a niños y jóvenes, a personas sin hogar, con problemas de salud mental o con dependencia; a investigación y a cooperación internacional. En este enlace puedes leer más sobre los proyectos financiados en 2023. ¡Esperamos contar con tu apoyo! Muchísimas gracias por colaborar en la Magic Line SJD 2024.

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