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01 / 12 / 2014

HOLIDAY VOCABULARY: ________ THE TREE: meaning and examples

Hello everyone and happy Monday to you! I hope you had a great weekend.

For the month of December we are taking a break from the regular Daily Vitamin schedule. Instead, we will be bringing you holiday-related posts, including Christmas collocations, vocabulary, slang and, of course, phrasal verbs. We hope you enjoy the lessons!

Today we are starting with a Christmas collocation, and asking you, our readers, for the answer. Do you know the specific verb we use when we talk about decorating
the Christmas tree? It's a synonym of the verb decorate, and it means "to decorate something, typically with contrasting items or pieces of material."

Sentence 1: We __________ the tree last night. It looks beautiful with all the lights and ornaments!

Do you know the verb? If not, you may be able to find the answer on Internet. Remember to post your answer on our Facebook page.

We will post the correct answer on our Facebook page later in the day.

We'll see you tomorrow, when we look at another holiday vocabulary word, FESTIVE.

Until then, have a great day!