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23 / 10 / 2024

IN- / IM- / MIS- (PREFIXES): meaning and examples

Hello again everybody. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin. I hope you are having a great day! 

Once again, today we look at two common prefixes in English.

Today's first prefix is: IN- (or IM- before words that start with "b", "m" or "p")

Meaning IN- IM-: Not

Example 1:
Suddenly the full moon was completely invisible, due to the clouds blocking the view. 

In this case the prefix IN- creates a new word that means NOT visible from the word visible.

Following is an example with IM- before the letter "p".

Example 2:
Mark, you finished the project in just two weeks. I thought it was impossible, but you did it. Congratulations!

Today's second prefix is: MIS-

Meaning MIS-: Wrongly

Example 3: I'm very sorry Jack... I misjudged you. I see, now, that you are a very hard worker and are excellent with deadlines. Congratulations for all of your hard work.

In this sentence I have wrongly judged Jack. 

I encourage you to write some sentences with some words that use these prefixes. You can add the IN- to COMPLETE, ACCURATE, APPROPRIATE or DECISIVE. Or you can add IM- to BALANCE, MATURE, PATIENT, PERFECT and MIS- to UNDERSTAND, PLACE, LEAD, INTERPRET or TREAT. You can post your sentences on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter/X) and we will give you feedback about them ASAP. Once again, thanks for your participation.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

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