12 / 02 / 2010

MAKE-2: meaning and examples

Good morning.

Hoy veremos unas expresiones con el verbo to make relacionadas con el dinero.

To make money = to earn money (ganar dinero)

Example 1: You can make a lot of money in the stock market, but you have to know what you're doing.
(Puedes ganar mucho dinero en la bolsa, pero tienes que saber lo que haces.)

To make a living = to earn enough to buy what you need to live. (ganarse la vida; ganar suficiente para comprar lo que necesitas para vivir.)

Example 2: Since opening the shop she hasn't become rich, but she's making a living and she is very happy.
(Desde que abrió la tienda, no se ha hecho rica, pero se está ganando la vida y es muy feliz.)

To make a profit = when a company's earnings are higher than its expenses. (obtener beneficios; cuando los ingresos de una empresa son más que sus gastos.)

Example 3: If this year's sales go well, we will probably make a profit.
(Si las ventas van bien este año, probablemente tendremos beneficios.)

To make a killing = to earn a lot of money very easily. (ganar mucho dinero fácilmente; forrarse.)

Example 4: He has made a killing selling insurance.
(Se ha forrado vendiendo seguros.)

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I hope you have a nice day and a great weekend!

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