Inicio > Recursos Inglés > MISSING MONDAY: 'WILL' OR 'BE GOING TO'?


03 / 11 / 2014

MISSING MONDAY: 'WILL' OR 'BE GOING TO'?: meaning and examples

Hello everyone, and happy Monday to you. I hope that you had a great weekend!

For the month of November, we are making a slight change to the name of the Monday Daily Vitamin. Instead of Mistake Monday, we are introducing Missing Monday.

For each lesson, we will provide a sentence with a missing word or missing words. You fill in the blank. Here is today's first sentence.

Sentence 1: I promise I __________ call you tomorrow.

In this sentence, the speaker is making a plan for the future. We should use the future; but to express the future in English, we have two possibilities: WILL INFINITIVE or BE GOING TO INFINITIVE. Which is correct in sentence 1?

The correct sentence would be:

Sentence 1
: I promise I will call you tomorrow.

One of the uses of the modal verb WILL INFINITIVE is to talk about promises for the future. Below we have included more examples.

Example 1: I will never lie to you.

Example 2: The new employee said he will happily work on weekends.

Example 3
: I will always call you back if I miss your call.

That's all for today. Tomorrow, for Tense Tuesday, we will look at the Present Perfect Continuous.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!