MODAL VERBS IN ENGLISH: meaning and examples
Hello everyone. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin, and our last lesson of the week.
Today I want to do a quick review of modal verbs, which is a big topic. Howerver, I have also included links to past Daily Vitamin lessons to give you more information and practice.
Modal verbs are a category of auxiliary verbs used to express various "modes" of a sentence, such as necessity, possibility, permission, ability, prohibition, prediction, volition or obligation. Modal verbs modify the meaning of the main verb in terms of these "modalities." Modal verbs often indicate the speaker's attitude or perspective towards the action described by the main verb.
Common examples of modal verbs include can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would. Modal verbs combine with an infinitive (without "to"). Here are some examples.
Example 1: You should call the client again to confirm that the meeting is cancelled.
Example 2: Can you please call the client before the meeting?
There are also what we call "paraphrastic phrasal verbs," since they have more than one word. For example, have to or need to.
Example 3: Helen. You need to finish the report by 3:00 PM. Okay?
Following are some links to lessons from last year about modal verbs, so you can explore the topic in more detail.
⇒ Modal Verbs 1 (13/04/2023):
⇒ Modal Verbs 2 (14/04/2023):
⇒ Modal Verbs 3 (17/04/2023):
⇒ Modal Verbs 4 (18/04/2023):
⇒ Modal Verbs 5 (19/04/2023):
⇒ Modal Verbs 6 (20/04/2023):
⇒ Modal Verbs 7 (21/04/2023):
And of course, if you have any questions or comments about modal verbs, please post them on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter/X) and we will answer you as soon as possible.
Have a great day and an excellent weekend!
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