MORNING, AFTERNOON, EVENING and NIGHT: meaning and examples
Remember that this week I will only be sending the Daily Vitamin on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Next week the first Daily Vitamin will be on Tuesday, April 13th.
Today's content, in theory, is very basic. However, I notice that a lot of students have problems with expressions involving the time of day:
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
at night (notice that here the preposition is at)
We use the above phrases to indicate the time of day that something happens.
Example 1
I always get up at 7:00 in the morning and I don't go to bed until 11:30 at night.
Although the times are never exact (it depends on the country, the individual and the time of year), generally the day is divided in approximately the following way:
Morning: 00:01-12:00
Afternoon: 12:01-17:00
Evening: 17:01-20:00
Night: 20:01-24:00
Remember, this is not exact and the divisions vary a lot.
Example 2
My father was very angry because I got home at two o'clock in the morning.
One final point: remember that the following phrases are greetings, you say them when you see someone (when you arrive):
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
However, Good night is only used when you are leaving, for example before you go to bed.
Example 3
Good night, mum; I'll see you in the morning.
The following day...
Good morning, Dan. Did you sleep well last night?
Have a great day!
Best wishes,