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15 / 12 / 2021

NEW WORDS FROM 2021 (THIRSTY): meaning and examples

Hello everyone. Welcome back to the last week of Daily Vitamins for 2021. I hope everyone is having a good day. 

As you know, for this last week of lessons, we're looking at five "new" words/expressions that became popular in 2021.

Today's word is: Thirsty

Definition: the normal meaning of this adjective is "the feeling of the need to drink". However, there is a new, colloquial meaning of thirsty which means "having a need for attention or approval, especially on social media". 

This is an informal expression, and is mostly used by young people. 

Example 1: My husband is so thirsty. He posts so many photos of our dog on Instagram because he wants her to be a dog model.

Example 2: Her mother is worried about her daughter because she is so thirsty; she is posting photos of herself half naked on Instagram and Facebook.

That's it for today. Can you create a sentence with this meaning of the word thirsty? Post your examples on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter) and we will give you feedback as soon as possible.

Have a great day!