OVER THE TOP (EWV): meaning and examples
Today's expression is: OVER THE TOP (more common in UK English)
(La expresión de hoy es: OVER THE TOP (más común en el Reino Unido)
It refers to: something that is excessive or exaggerated.
(Se refiere a: algo que es excesivo, exagerado o fuera de lugar.)
Example 1:
Derek: Did you see Alan's suit jacket today? I know he likes to be fashionable but it was completely over the top.
(¿Has visto la americana de Alan hoy? Sé que le gusta la moda, aunque estaba totalmente fuera de lugar.)
Louis: I agree. Yellow-and-black spots are just not appropriate office wear. He looked like some kind of jungle animal!
(Estoy de acuerdo. Lunares amarillos y negros no son apropiados para la ropa del trabajo. ¡Parecía un animal de la jungla!)
Example 2:
Mary is always completely over the top in everything she says and does. She is constantly challenging and provoking people.
(Mary siempre es muy exagerada en todo lo que dice y hace. Provoca y reta a la gente constantemente.)
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Have a good day and an excellent weekend!