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11 / 12 / 2015

PHRASAL VERB FRIDAY: 'GET AT (A POINT)': meaning and examples

Hi everyone! Happy Friday to you all.

For today's Phrasal Verb Friday post, we are looking at the verb TO GET AT. There are many definitions of GET AT, but today we are only looking at TO GET AT (A POINT)

Definition: to get to the meaning of something. 

Example 1: I don't understand what you are getting at

Example 2: She kept telling me that her job was hard, but I don't know what she was getting at. I think maybe she wants to quit.

Example 3
: You keep mentioning that I work very little. What are you getting at?

As you can see, when you ask someone what they are GETTING AT, it's similar to asking them "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"

That's all for today. Thanks for reading! We will see you on Monday for more Daily Vitamin lessons. Have a great weekend!