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23 / 02 / 2022
Phrasal Verbs

PHRASAL VERBS WITH 'ACT' (ACT UP): meaning and examples

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a good day. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin

As you know, this week we are looking at different phrasal verbs that have the word ACT in them.

Today's ACT phrasal verb is: To act up

Definition 1: If a person, especially a child, acts up, they behave badly.

Example 1: Sometimes when my son gets bored, he starts to act up to get attention.

Definition 2: If a machine or a part of the body acts up, it does not perform as well as it should.

Example 2: My knee started acting up during the marathon. Luckily, I was able to finish the race.

For a bit of practice, we invite you to write a sentence on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter) with the phrasal verb to act up

Enjoy the rest of your day!