Inicio > Recursos Inglés > PHRASAL VERBS WITH GET: TO GET BY


02 / 10 / 2023
Phrasal Verbs

Good morning, everyone. Happy Monday. I hope you had en excellent weekend. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin

This week we are going to look at different phrasal verbs with the verb GET in them. 

Today's GET phrasal verb is: To get by

Meaning: to be able to live or deal with a situation even when having very little of something you need, such as money or food.

Example 1: When I was a student I used to get by with very little money. However, I didn't eat very well.  

Example 2: In the US there is tremendous pressure on families to get by without having health insurance.

Can you use GET BY in your own coherent sentence? You can post your sentence on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter) and we will give you feedback about your sentence as soon as possible. 

Thanks for following the Daily Vitamin. Have a great day!