PHRASAL VERBS WITH SQUASH ('SQUASH IN'): meaning and examples
Hello, everyone! How's your Thursday so far?
This week our theme is Phrasal Verbs with the word "Squash."
Today's phrasal verb is: TO SQUASH SOMETHING IN
Definition: To crush something inward.
Example 1: I made some clay figures and my brother squashed their faces in.
Example 2: She sat on this box and squashed it in.
This phrasal verb is TRANSITIVE and optionally SEPARABLE. In example 2, it's obligatorily separable because of the pronoun. So, we can say "She squashed the box in" or "She squashed in the box." We can also say "She squashed it in" but not "**She squashed in it**."
As always, thank you so much for reading. We will see you tomorrow for the final lesson of the week. Take care.