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12 / 07 / 2010

REMIND vs. REMEMBER (REVISION): meaning and examples

Good morning. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Today I wanted to remind you of the difference between the two verbs remind and remember, which we originally featured in a Daily Vitamin in January 2005, and reviewed again in February 2007.

Remember means: to have an image in your mind of a person, a place, or something that happened in the past.

Example 1:
I remember my first kiss; it happened when I was 10 years old.

Example 2:
I'll always remember the first time we met.

Remind means: to help someone to remember something that they have to do or to help them to remember an event from the past.

Example 3:
Can you please remind me to call my mother tomorrow.

Example 4:
Please remind James to bring his laptop computer to the presentation.

Notice that you always remind someone, but you remember facts or events.

If you have any questions about today's Daily Vitamin, please post your comments by clicking on the "Add a Comment" button in the Daily Vitamin section on our website.

Remember to have a splendid day!

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