Inicio > Recursos Inglés > RUNNING TIME


03 / 05 / 2024

RUNNING TIME: meaning and examples

Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin and happy Friday to you. I hope your day is going well.

Today we look at a new English expression; it's one that we use to talk about how long events last. 

Today's phrase is: RUNNING TIME

Meaning: the duration of something, such as a film, a theatrical performance or an advertisement.

Example 1: I always double check the running time of a podcast before I start listening to it, to confirm that I can listen to it in one sitting. Podcasts seem to be getting longer and longer. 

Example 2: The running time of the film was two and a half hours, which made it perfect for a cozy movie night with my family.  

I want to challenge you to create your own original sentence using this expression. You can post your sentence on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter/X) and we will give you feedback about it ASAP.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. 

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