Inicio > Recursos Inglés > STEVE JOBS QUOTE


15 / 05 / 2024

STEVE JOBS QUOTE: meaning and examples

Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin. I hope you are having a great day!

Today we continue with our lessons about famous quotes. Today we look at a quote from Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. (Steve Jobs)

This quote suggests that passion and love for one's work are essential for achieving exceptional results and making a meaningful impact. Now, that might seem obvious; however, we might not currently be working in our ideal job. But if we change our perception about the job and start to see it as a stepping-stone to a better, more-fulfilling job, then we begin to feel better about our current job. Look for reasons to be grateful for your current job, which can help you to shift your mindset about your job.

This advice can work for learning English, or any other foreign language. Many students want to have a higher level of English, but they haven't learned to love doing the activities that they need to do in order to learn English. It's necessary to find activities that you love and do them in English. You have to find a way to love doing the activities that are necessary to improve your English. Sometimes all you need is a change in your perception. Instead of seeing learning English as hard, boring, as work, etc., see it as fun, relaxing, a way of "taking a break" from the stresses of life. It's all about changing your perception. 

If you want to improve your English quickly, you have find a way to love doing the activities that will improve your English. It basically means changing your mindset. You have to begin to foment thoughts that support your English learning, rather than thoughts that limit you during the learning process. If you need some guidance with this, please do not hesitate to contact me by email (

I hope your day is full of activities that you love to do. smiley 

All the best!

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