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19 / 10 / 2009

SUCCESS LISTENING ACTIVITY-2: meaning and examples

Good morning. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Today I wanted to suggest another short video from

In this three-minute video, Richard St. John talks about what leads to success. Like Joachim de Posada, in the other video that I suggested last week, he also uses a little humour.

In the video, Richard uses the term "TED-sters." The suffix -ster in English is added to nouns to indicate that a person is connected with or has a quality of that noun. For example a gangster is someone who belongs to a gang (or acts like he/she does). A youngster is a person who belongs to the group of young people.

Richard uses the suffix -ster with the acronym TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design), which refers to the conference where he is speaking. TED-sters, then, are people who are at the conference.

Remember our suggestions for watching these videos:

1) Watch 1-3 times without subtitles to see what you can understand. (Watch difficult-to-understand segments more if you would like.)

2) Watch the video 1-3 times more, with English subtitles.

3) If there is something that you still don't understand, activate the Spanish subtitles, or the subtitles of another language that you understand better than English (French, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese...).

Again, watching short videos like this will help you to improve your listening skills and, therefore, to be more successful with your English.

Have a great day!