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13 / 10 / 2023

SYNONYMS: BEAUTIFUL: meaning and examples

Good morning / afternoon / evening everyone, depending on when you are reading this. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin. I hope your day has started off well.  

Today we finish our series of lessons looking at different common adjectives in English and some synonyms of those adjectives. 

Today's adjective is: Beautiful

Meaning: very attractive; very pleasant. 

Following are three synonyms of beautiful. Remember, they are synonyms, so the definitions will vary.

Gorgeous: a very pleasing and stunning appearance.

Example 1: The first day I met my wife, I was amazed at how gorgeous she was.

Exquisite: very beautiful and delicate.

Example 2: His mother has such exquisite taste when it comes to art and decorating homes.

Breathtaking: extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising.

Example 3: The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. It made the long and difficult hike well worth it.  

Can you choose one or two of these synonyms of beautiful and use them in a coherent sentence? You can post your sentences on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter/X) and we will give you feedback about your sentences as soon as possible. 

Okay... that's it for this week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. We'll be back next week with more Daily Vitamins.

All the best!