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06 / 07 / 2023

THE ALPHABET GAME 2023 (Y): meaning and examples

Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin and day 25 of the 2023 Alphabet Game. I can't believe that tomorrow is already the last day of the contest this year. I hope you have been enjoying the Alphabet-Game lessons this year.

Below is today's sentence and the missing word begins with the letter Y.

Sentence: Wow! Look at those y_____-looking desserts on the table.

HINT: we also looked at this word in May of this year and it means "tasting extremely good."

Give us your answer on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter) and we will provide the correct answer later. We will also include the answer in the next Daily Vitamin email. 

We'll be back tomorrow with the twenty-sixth and final letter of the alphabet... the letter Z.

Have a great rest of your day!