Inicio > Recursos Inglés > THE ALPHABET GAME: 'P'


16 / 06 / 2017
Phrasal Verbs

THE ALPHABET GAME: 'P': meaning and examples

Hello everyone. And a special hello to our Alphabet Game participants! Are you ready for today's lesson? The answer begins with the letter "P." 

Here is your sentence. Can you complete it with a phrasal verb?

Sentence: I had a pizza, ice cream, and some chocolate. I really _____ _____!

Hint 1: The first word is an animal. 

Hint 2: This animal is associated with eating a lot and being over-weight. 

Hint 3: It means "to eat a lot."

Give us your guess on one of our social media sites and we will post the correct answer later. 



Good luck and thank you for playing! Have a great weekend!