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30 / 07 / 2015

THE ALPHABET GAME: 'Y': meaning and examples

Hello everyone! There are only two more days of our challenge! We will announce our winner tomorrow.

Are you ready for today's missing word? It begins with the letter "Y."

Sentence 1: I was trying not to y_____ during his presentation but I was very tired!

Sentence 2: It's strange that animals also y_____ when they are sleepy. 

Here are a few clues. 

Clue 1: It means "to open your mouth widely when tired."

Clue 2: It is polite to cover your mouth when you do this. 

Clue 3: People joke that this action is "contagious."

Do you know the answer? Give us your guess on our Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn pages. We will post the answer later. 

We will see you tomorrow for the LAST Alphabet Game post! Until then, have a great day!