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08 / 10 / 2009

THE STORY GOES: meaning and examples

Good morning,

Today I am following up on our Daily Vitamin about History vs. Story.

Today's expression is: (so) the story goes

Meaning: used to describe something that people are saying, although it may not be correct (or you may not believe it).

Example 1:
Swine flu (gripe A) is incredibly deadly and is going to be a world pandemic, or so the story goes.

Example 2:
The Spanish economy will make a full recovery in 2010, the story goes.

If you have any questions about today's Daily Vitamin, please post your comments by clicking on the "Add a Comment" button in the Daily Vitamin section on our website (

Remember that tomorrow we will send the Essential Weekly Vitamin for Spanish-speaking students of English.

Have a nice day.