Inicio > Recursos Inglés > THEME THURSDAY: PAYING THE BILL ('ON ME')


04 / 02 / 2016

THEME THURSDAY: PAYING THE BILL ('ON ME'): meaning and examples

Hello and happy Thursday to everyone!

Today is our first Theme Thursday of February. This month we are looking at expressions for paying the bill. We are beginning with the phrase BE ON ME (or US, THEM, etc.).

Definition: A declaration about who is paying the bill.

Example 1: Dinner is on me tonight. Order what you want!

Example 2: Drinks are on us because you guys paid the last time we all met.

Example 3: I love travelling for work because my meals are on my company.

We looked at this expression for the first time back in 2004. You can see that lesson at the following link:

That's all for today. Join us tomorrow for Phrasal Verb Friday where we'll study the phrase TO GET BY. Have a great day!