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29 / 05 / 2024

THERE vs. THEIR vs. THEY'RE: meaning and examples

Hello again, everyone. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin! I hope your day is going well so far. 

Today is the fifth and final Daily Vitamin lesson about pairs of homophones in English. However, today we don't have a pair, we have a trio of homophones. smiley So, we have three words that sound the same as each other, but each has a different meaning and a different spelling.

Today's homophones are: THERE, THEIR and THEY'RE

Meaning of THERE: this adverb indicates that a person or thing is to, at, or in 'that place' or position.

Example 1: Can you please move the chair over there? I don't want it so close to the window.

Meaning of THEIR: of or belonging to them; associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.

Example 2: After the meeting is finished, please be sure that each employee receives their envelope with their Christmas bonus.

Meaning of THEY'RE: this is the short form or contracted form of THEY ARE. 

Example 4: In my opinion, Jack and Samantha are the perfect couple. I'm so glad They're getting married. They're perfect for each other.

Can you create your own original sentence(s) using one, two or three of these homophones? You can post your sentences on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter/X) and we will give you feedback about them ASAP.

Enjoy the rest of you day!

All the best!

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