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09 / 07 / 2012

TO ANTICIPATE: meaning and examples

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend and that the summer weather wasn't too humid or muggy for you!

This week we are going to look at different verbs and expressions that we use to express our feelings about a future event. Summer holidays are nearly here and these verbs are useful for talking about how we feel about this future event.

Today's word is: TO ANTICIPATE

It means: to know that an event will occur in the future, and so you prepare for it; to expect.

NOTE: This verb is a false friend for Spanish speakers. This verb CANNOT be translated to Spanish as "anticipar".

Example 1:
Claire anticipated that the interviewer would ask her why she had been fired from her previous job, so she thought carefully about how to answer and was prepared when the interviewer asked her the question.

Example 2:
We anticipate rain during our walking holiday in Wales, so we are going to pack a rain jacket, a small folding umbrella and some waterproof shoes.

Tomorrow we will study an expression with a similar meaning.

In the meantime, have an excellent day!

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