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28 / 10 / 2008

TO SCARE SOMEONE TO DEATH: meaning and examples

Good morning.

Today we begin our look at English expressions that mean to scare or to frighten.

Today's 1st expression is: to frighten / to scare someone to death

Meaning: To frighten someone very much.

Example 1:
David...please don't walk in the street. You're frightening me to death. You might get hit by a car!

Another very colloquial (!!slang!!) version of this expression is the following.

Today's 2nd expression is: to scare the shit out of someone

Meaning: To frighten someone very much.

This should NOT be used in church, in front or your grandmother or in formal situations. "Shit" (mierda) is an offensive word in English. We also sometimes use the word "hell" (infierno), which is still slang, but slightly less offensive

Example 2:
-I was only two blocks away from the car bomb when it exploded. It scared the SHIT out of me!

-I was only two blocks away from the car bomb when it exploded. It scared the HELL out of me!

To avoid using vulgar language, use today's first expression, or substitute the words "shit" and "hell" with daylights or life.

Example 2 (bis):
-I was only two blocks away from the car bomb when it exploded. It scared the daylights out of me!

-I was only two blocks away from the car bomb when it exploded. It scared the life out of me!

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I hope you have a nice day.