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08 / 03 / 2012

TO SPEED vs. TO RUN: meaning and examples

Good morning.

Today we are going to look at two words that are often incorrectly translated into English when talking about cars. In Spanish, you can use the verb correr to refer to humans or animals running AND to refer to driving a car very fast. In English this is not the case. Let's have a look at the difference for referring to driving very fast.

Meaning of to speed: to drive a car faster than is permitted by the legal speed limit.

Meaning of to run: to make a short journey by car.

Example 1
If you're driving on a road in the U.S., don't speed or you could get a speeding ticket, which you could have to pay on the spot!

Example 2:
Two local men were stopped by police for speeding last night. They were doing 180 km per hour in a 90-km-per-hour zone.

Example 3:
Amy: Where do you live, Elaine? I can run you home if you're ready to leave.
Elaine: Thanks, Amy. I live on the west side, just past the shopping centre.

Example 4:
We need some more coffee and biscuits for the guests this afternoon. I'll just run to the shops now.

These are just two verbs related to cars and driving. If you would like to review some additional meanings and expressions with RUN, please check out our series from 19/04/2007 to 24/04/2007. If you have questions or comments about today's Daily Vitamin, you can post them by clicking on the "Add a Comment" button in the Daily Vitamin section on our website.

Remember that tomorrow we will send the Essential Weekly Vitamin for Spanish-speaking students of English.

I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good day!

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