Inicio > Recursos Inglés > TO TOE THE LINE


19 / 03 / 2013

TO TOE THE LINE: meaning and examples

Good morning!

One of our Daily Vitamin readers, JM, wrote to us to ask, "How do you say "pasar por el aro" in English?" Here is our answer:

Today's expression is: to toe the line

It means: to make someone follow or comply with your expected standards, attitudes or your way of doing things.

Example 1:
We were not at all happy with the way you've been treating the clients, Ralph. Haven't you read the Customer Service Guide? If you don't start toeing the line, we're going to have to let you go.

Example 2:
I've always been a rebel, both at school and at work. It's hard for me to toe the line. I'll probably have to work for myself in the future.

Tomorrow we'll look at a related expression. Thanks for your suggestion, JM!

Have a great day!