23 / 04 / 2009

WAY-5: meaning and examples

Good morning everyone.

Today we finish our look at expressions that have the word way in them. 

Today's 1st expression isto get in the way of...

Meaning: to prevent someone from doing something or to prevent something from happening.  

Example 1:
Jack! Please do not allow your personal problems to get in the way of your work in the company. If you can't separate your personal life from your professional life, I would prefer that you find work somewhere else.

Today's 2nd expression is: to look the other way

Meaning: to deliberately avoid seeing someone or something.

Example 2
Police officers know about the drug traffickers, but look the other way. My guess is that they are collaborating with the drug lords.

If you have any questions about today's Daily Vitamin, please post them in the Daily Vitamin Plus! forum section on our website (www.ziggurat.es).

Remember that tomorrow we will send the Essential Weekly Vitamin for Spanish-speaking students of English.

I hope you have a nice day!