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24 / 03 / 2022

WEATHER IDIOMS (COLD DAY IN JULY): meaning and examples

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening everyone, depending on when you are reading this. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin

As you know, this week we are looking at idioms related to the weather.

Today's expression is: Cold day in July

Definition: We use it to refer to an event that we don't think will ever happen.

Sometimes we say a cold day in hell

Example 1:
Lisa: Can you ask Pat to wash the dishes?
Nancy: Pat... wash the dishes? It'll be a cold day in July when that happens. If you want to get the dishes washed, ask Jack.  

Example 2: It'll be a cold day in hell when all politicians speak honestly. 

Thank you very much for reading today's lesson. Have an excellent day and we'll see you tomorrow with our last lesson of the week.

All the best!