Inicio > Recursos Inglés > WEATHER IDIOMS (TO BE SNOWED UNDER)


22 / 03 / 2022

WEATHER IDIOMS (TO BE SNOWED UNDER): meaning and examples

Hello again, everyone. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, depending on when you are reading this lesson. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin

This week we are looking at idioms related to the weather.

Today's expression is: To be snowed under

Definition: to have more work than you can deal with.

Example 1: It has been such a busy week. I'm snowed under with work.  

Example 2: I felt bad about not being able to go to my son's football match this weekend. But I was so snowed under with housework and domestic responsibilities: shopping, cleaning the house, etc. But the good news is that they won their match 3 to 1!

I hope that you can avoid being snowed under with work this week. 

All the best!