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10 / 02 / 2016

WORDY WEDNESDAY: 'HOLD A GRUDGE': meaning and examples

Hello everyone, and welcome to Wordy Wednesday!

Do you know someone who is still angry about something that happened a long time ago? If so, then you can definitely use today's vocabulary: TO HOLD A GRUDGE.

Definition: to hold persistent and continual resentment or ill feelings toward someone, for something they have done in the past.

Example 1: My Dad still holds a grudge against our neighbour for hitting our car.

Example 2: It's hard for me to forgive people. I hold a grudge for a long time.

Hopefully you don't have this problem and you do not hold grudges. If you do, there's only one piece of advice we have: you should LET IT GO. Do you remember what this expression means? It's not just a famous song from the film Frozen, it's also good advice (and a past Daily Vitamin post)! Click on the following link to see the lesson about the expression TO LET GO OF SOMETHING.

That's all for today! Thanks for reading!