WORDY WEDNESDAY: 'TO BOMB AN EXAM': meaning and examples
For today's Wordy Wednesday, I want you to answer a question: Have you ever failed an exam? Hopefully not. But if so, today's expression will be useful. We are looking at the idiom TO BOMB AN EXAM.
Definition: to fail.
Example 1: I bombed my driver's test. I'm so embarrassed.
Example 2: I think she bombed her exam. She looks really upset.
Example 3: Never had I bombed an exam so badly. (Remember INVERSION from yesterday's post?)
We can also use this for other important things, like PRESENTATIONS.
Example 4: He bombed his speech. It was a disaster.
Hopefully you never, EVER have to use this; but we have all failed at something in life, right? We learn from our failures...hopefully.
That's all for today. Thanks for reading!