Inicio > Recursos Inglés > XENOPHOBIA


29 / 05 / 2023

XENOPHOBIA: meaning and examples

Hello everyone. I hope you had a great weekend. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin.

Today's word is: Xenophobia

It means: extreme dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

Example 1: In the last decade there has been a resurgence of racism and xenophobia in the US and other western countries.

Example 2: People who travel a lot are rarely xenophobes, because they have been exposed to different cultures and understand that despite different customs, religions, etc. we are all basically the same. 

Is xenophobia a problem where you live? What do you think the solution to eradicating xenophobia from the world is? You can post your reflection on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter) and we will give you feedback as soon as possible.

Enjoy the rest of your day and we'll see you tomorrow with another lesson. 

All the best!