Inicio > Recursos Inglés > ‘Z’ WORDS: ZENITH


24 / 05 / 2021

‘Z’ WORDS: ZENITH: meaning and examples

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you had a good weekend. Today is a holiday in Barcelona, but we've decided to send the Daily Vitamin today. :-)

This week's theme will be short because later this week, we will begin the 2021 Daily Vitamin Alphabet Game!

We are starting the week with a fun theme: Z Words. That is, words that start with Z.

Today's word is: ZENITH

Definition 1: The point in the sky directly above you.

Example 1: The cloud went from the zenith to the edge of the horizon.

Definition 2: The best or most successful point or time.

Example 2: He was at the zenith of his career and then he quit. 

Example 3: I think his fourth book was the zenith of his writing career.

That's all for today! We will see you tomorrow for another lesson.